
Why We’re Here

We believe an organisation’s point of difference isn’t found in what it makes, but in who it is.

Maintaining a competitive edge today is tough. Ideas can be stolen, talent poached and prices undercut. Products fall out of fashion, and business models become obsolete.

But we think every company has something unique. It’s their most important and sustainable asset. It’s what we call a Beliyf.

We help organisations to become more of themselves and less of everyone else. We rejuvenate and revitalise. We deliver a renewed sense of energy, optimism and possibility.

We believe that somebody will always try to copy what you do. But nobody can ever steal who you are.

Our Core Values

A framework for decision making and the definition of our spirit

  • Make it Michelin

    Obsess over the details.
    Care beyond expectation.
    Be fanatical about the result.

  • Question Like a Child

    Sidestep the obvious and challenge assumptions. Be thirsty for knowledge. Connect the dots.

  • Stay Humble

    Let your talent speak for itself.
    Be quietly confident, never arrogant.

  • Lead with Generosity

    Help others through your time, knowledge or means. Give without an expectation of getting.

  • Embody Empathy

    Stand in their shoes,
    feel with their heart,
    and see with their eyes.

  • Infect with Enthusiasm

    Uplift. Energise. Inspire.

Mark Sampson

Mark Sampson

Our Founder and Managing Partner

Just as great trees grow from tiny seeds, every company starts from humble beginnings…

I’ve always been fascinated by company origin stories. The wide‑eyed kids in a garage, turning their crazy idea into reality.

But I’ve seen how difficult it is to maintain that founding magic over time. Leaders move on, companies get sold. The spirit that catapulted growth can be lost and once‑loved brands drift into irrelevancy.

We launched Beliyf under the premise that no organisation needs to suffer that fate.

We believe that every company can endure if it understands what it values, and why it matters. In other words, it knows who it is.

Giving Back Time

Every year, we donate a Beliyf discovery program, entirely free of charge to three charities that we believe in.

If you’re the leader of a charity and would like to apply for our help, we’d love to hear from you.

Apply Here